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Introducing RAFT: Bioretention Made Simple


Runoff Attenuation Filtration Technology


InfraSGA is developing green infrastructure that is attainable by all and feasible for wide market adoption. The challenge is creating a product suitable for a range of site conditions, without need for specialty contractors, and cost-effective for wide adoption.


Our debut product RAFT makes green stormwater infrastructure effective within tough urban environments like streetscapes, plazas, and parking lots. Designed to be installed by a small crew of three, the system is perfect for rapid deployment by a public works department using basic construction knowledge. RAFT provides our cities and towns more opportunities to try green stormwater solutions that reduce deadly floods and protect our natural waterway resources.  

RAFT intercepts stormwater runoff in urban environments where space is limited, and retrofits are difficult.

We've made urban raingardens quick and easy to install by simplifying the structure holding it.

Product Features Image.jpg

Repeating component parts lower material cost

Parts are sized for easy handling to lower equipment costs

The post-and-panel assembly lowers installation time and labor costs

Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Urban Areas

Cities and towns are struggling to handle flooding as their existing infrastructure is overwhelmed by growing development pressure.

Storm sewer replacements and new water treatment facilities are cost prohibitive, but green stormwater solutions like RAFT are able to support their existing system.

RAFT relieves runoff pressure by supplementing the existing infrastructure as a cost-feasible retrofit.

The removable panels allow access to buried infrastructure below and may be swapped out if they are ever damaged. Additionally, RAFT offers a low-risk way to trial an installation before expanding the system at a later date.

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121 Tazewell St

Norfolk, VA 23510



InfraSGA RAFT Bioretention system - © InfraSGA, Inc.

Allied Organizations

Chinese Patent: No. 2020800082842

Australian Patent: No. 2020206670

Patent Pending (US, Can, EU)

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